John Haack Totals 2,300.5lbs (1043.5kg) @ The Ghost Clash 3

John Haack Totals 2,300.5lbs (1043.5kg) @ The Ghost Clash 3

He weighed in at 93.45kg, after he felt the cut to under 90 was too rough. 

  • Squat 365kg 
  • Bench 252.5kg
  • Deadlift 426kg 

He went 3 for 3 in squat, failed his third bench at 265kg, and went 3 for 3 in deadlift. His second deadlift of 400kg flew up like an opener. 426kg would get him the 2,300lbs total. This was a slow hard rep but he got it. This total gave him a DOTS of 662.394, giving him the overall win.  

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