The Dinnie Stones

The Dinnie Stones

The Dinnie Stones are two granite ringed stones. The larger stone weighs in at 188.02 kg, and the smaller one is 144.47 kg; making a combined weight of 332.49 kg. They are located outside the Potarch Café, in Aberdeenshire.

The 1st man to lift the Dinnie Stones, and carry them, was Robert Dinnie. However the stones were made famous by his son, Donald Dinnie. In 1860 he walked the stones the width of the Potarch Bridge, 17 feet 1 1⁄2 inches. No one else managed this incredible feat, and the stones were lost after the 1st World War. Dinnie's bridge walk slowly became myth, with some doubting it was even possible. The stones were rediscovered by David Webster OBE, in 1953, at the side of the River Dee; close to the Potarch Bridge.

The 1st person to lift the Dinnie Stones, after being rediscovered, was David Prowse. David is probably best know for playing the role of Darth Vader, in the original Star Wars trilogy. He lifted the stones 5 times with the aid of lifting straps.

The 1st person to lift the stones unassisted, after Donald Dinnie, was Jack Shanks. Who in 1972 lifted the ringed stones with his bare hands. In 1973 Jack returned to see if he could replicate Donald Dinnie's bridge carry. This was done on top of a flat bed lorry, which has now become tradition for Dinnie Stone Lifts on Donald Dinnie Day. Jack lifted the stones multiple times, with each lift moving the stones forward, he did this until he reached the distance of 17 ft 1 1⁄2 in.

Another man would lift the stones in 1973, and go on to etch his name into history. Jim Splaine lifted the stones 64 times between 1973 and 1990. He has gone on to help others lift the stones, and films every Dinnie lift, which can be seen here:

Jim Splaine

In 1979 Dr Jan Todd became the 1st woman to lift the Dinnie Stones. She took several attempts, and the larger stone wouldn't budge. Then on the final attempt it finally went "It came off the ground neither very far nor for very long, but by God it came...". (Jan Todd, Sports Illustrated magazine, November 5th , 1979.) Even though her lift was with the aide of straps no-one else replicated it until 2018, when Leigh Holland Keen lifted the stones at the 2nd Dinnie Gathering.

Jan Todd

In 2009 Brett Nicol 1st lifted the stones. This lift would be the 1st of hundreds, and Brett is now 1 lift away from 500. He has lifted the stones more than anyone else in history. He also helps would-be lifters of The Dinnie Stones, by giving them lifting advice gained from his vast experience of ringed stone lifting. His skill not only comes from lifting the Dinnie Stones, but also The Nicol Stones. These are stones he created which have been used at the highest level of strongman.

Brett Nicol

Nicol Stones at Giants Live

In 2012 Mark Haydock put his name in the book of successful Dinnie Stone lifters. He has lifted the stones multiple times in succession, side-by-side and walked with them. He holds the World Record for Dinnie Stone hold, with 46.3 seconds.

Mark Haydock

In 2019 Emmajane Smith became the 1st woman to lift The Dinnie Stones un-assisted. Getting a partial lift, with wind beneath the stones. That same year saw Annika Eilmann become the 1st ever woman to fully lift The Dinne Stones un-assisted.

2023 saw the 2nd ever woman to fully lift The Dinnie Stones un-assisted. Hannah Linzie did this incredible feat whilst also competing in the 1st ever Jan Todd Games; going on to dominate the competition.

On the same day as Hannah Linzie's lift, Laurence Shalaei broke his Dinnie Stones Walking World Record. He walked with the stones an incredible 22ft 4".

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